Tom Fetherling

Tom stepped up and took over the office of President in March 2008 when the President, Bill Turechek, moved from The Villages.

Tom began the tradition of Captains Day in the Fall Session 2008. Captains Day was created to reward the captains with a party and tournament for being a captain.

Tom also started the program to give trophies to the first three places in each session. He initiated the program of passing out pins to recognize achievements such as break-and-runs.

Tom created The OBG Championship tournament at the end of the year. This tournament recognizes one team each year as the champion for the entire year.  The champion team has their names engraved on a plaque on the wall at Silverlake and also receives nice trophies as the end of the year champions.

Tom went to bat with the Villages management to upgrade the Silverlake facility and bring it up to par with all the other recreation centers. Many of the improvements that have occurred at Silverlake are a direct result of Tom’s intervention with the Villages on behalf of our home facility.