Sustitute Rules

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    1.     No team will get a substitute in advance or by any other means than the procedure outlined below.

    2.     Assignment of substitute players to teams is handled by the substitute-selection officer only.

    3.     A signup sheet will be placed on the board located by the recreation assistant’s office.

    4.     Any team with a roster containing less than four players will be placed at the top of the team signup list in ascending team-number sequence by the substitute-selection officer prior to posting on the board.

    5.     Teams needing a substitute will sign up on the board indicating number of players needed and the tables on which they are scheduled to play.

    6.     Players wishing to play as a substitute will sign up on the board.

    7.     Substitute selection for a play period occurs immediately following the announcements prior to the start of that play period.

    8.     Players are assigned to teams by drawing pills in a series of rounds.  Each round consists of all teams that still need a substitute player.

    9.     Prior to the drawing the exact number of numbered pills needed (equal to the number of available substitute players) are placed in the pill-bottle by the substitute-selection officer.

    10.  No team will receive more than one substitute player in any round.

    11.  Players are assigned to a team by the substitute-selection officer drawing a numbered pill from the pill-bottle that corresponds to the numbered player on the player list.

    12.  In a selection round, each team on the list will be assigned one player in the chronologic order that they signed up until each team that signed up has received one player or until the available substitute players have been exhausted.

    13.  If one or more teams require more than one player then additional rounds will be conducted with those teams.  Additional players will be assigned one at a time to the teams requiring those players in the chronologic order that each team signed up as above.

    14.  If one of the players for which a substitute has been assigned arrives late the captain shall decide if the substitute player will continue to play or if the late-arriving player will step in after completion of the current game.  Captains should weigh the rewarding of unwanted tardiness against any mitigating circumstance.

    15.  If a team obtains a substitute player outside of the procedure listed above, that player will be required to stop play immediately upon discovery.  Any games won by the pair with the unauthorized substitute shall be awarded to the opposing team.  Furthermore, the person on the team left playing by themselves will only be able to win 3 games at most during the match.  The remaining points are credited to the opposing team.